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Booster:  This is the latest version of the known anti-lag. This metamod plugin help maintain or reduce lag on your server.


We should note that if activate the "Booster" no other controls must be activated as mmtimer ping.

Since they do not contradict each other's values ​​and give a good result.




1 - Unzip the file to your desktop

2 - Copy the folder "Booster"

3 - Paste it into the folder "addons"

4 - enter "metamod" open notepad "plugins.ini"

5 - And finally add the following line: 


win32 addons / booster / booster_mm.dll


6 - Then go to "cstrike"

7 - We look for the file "server.cfg"

8 - Open the file like a notepad

9 - At the end of the file write the following line:


exec booster.cfg



10 - When extracting the file we get a folder and file. 

11 - The archvi called "Booster" that we will put in "cstrike"


Team VMG. 
compressed file [17.9 KB] Download


mmtimer: A metamod plugin, which we use to raise and control the "FPS" from our server. To find out how many "FPS" is your server into your server console and type "stats" without quotes there to indicate the amount of your "FPS"


1 - Remove the mmtimer folder in the folder "addons" located in "cstrike"


2-then go to "cstrike / addons / metamod / plugins.ini and opens and type the following line:


win32 addons \ mmtimer \ mmtimer.dll 


3-then look for your "server.cfg" located in "cstrike" open it and put these commands:

sys_ticrate 1100


mm_insane 0  (If you use your PC for gaming, remove the 0 and put a 1)


[Mm_insane 0 - Subira to 1000 FPS with little CPU usage

(If your PC is not very good, the FPS are static and do not vary much from 1000-300-400-100-60-600 FPS). I recommend this Command,


mm_insane 1 - Subira FPS over 1000 Trying to reach 2000 (This command will put your PC to work almost 100%, so if we activate it is advisable not to play on the PC)

4 - Then open your server, vaz to the server console and type "meta list" should come out the following:

mmtimer RUN - v1.6 ini ANY mmtimer.dll Never


Note: No matter gets out of first or last. Run Imports say because if he says "Fail" indicates that is not working and you'll need to repeat the above procedures.


Team VMG. 
compressed file [33.7 KB] Download



Here are ome factors that can cause high ping:

  • Simultaneous use of P2P programs or download managers: always try to book all your bandwidth for cs and connection. That is why it is recommended to close these programs (eMule, Kazaa, Ares, Torrents, etc) to consume no connection delaying our game (high ping, lag in general). At the same time, try not to download even for direct download from the web or managers like DAP, etc.

However, if for anything can cancel downloads, try to regulate them.As for P2P, what interests us most is q regularly upload rate. Seteenla in no more than 5 kbps, but almost certainly going to generate ping.As for the download, depending on the connection you have, but always go in restricting low values ​​proportional to the criteria we apply to upload. Anyway, everything is flexible and can keep trying. But yes, please note q the general idea is to spend as much bandwidth (or all) exclusively for the game.

  • Networked PCs: maybe all of the above statement is happening in some pc to share the same internet service with it.Therefore, it is also likely that the use of other in other P2P and influence their ping PCs, increasing significantly. Thus, should take the same precautions described above, so I always try not only to vacate the bandwidth on your pc, but in all that make up its network.

  • Geographical distance is another important factor when it comes to influencing our ping is geographical distance. By this we mean, literally, how far are hosted on our server which we connect loving us. Thus, if we live far away from the server, it is possible that geographic distance accrued in increased ping (porej, whether from Argentina want to connect to a server Brazilian or American). The same is true at the national level where, for example, some people may have problems when connecting from inside or from anywhere relatively distant from Capital Federal (where Alkon has its host).

None of this affects me, or already tried it and my ping is still the same What do I do? 
First of all they must have known that to play CS at least have to have a 128k connection, if they are not going to make it impossible to play. 
Beginning with the process, the first thing we do is clean the machine spyware passing these programs:

• Spybot - S & D

• Securite Ewido Suite 
http:/ / 

install these programs, updated its database and then run. 

Setting Rates 

First of all I will clarify that means each commando, so if you want to configure to your liking and keep trying, do it correctly. 

rate: The rate command displays the number in bytes that the server can receive. The popular downstream bandwidth. If we have a 56K modem can receive aproximandamente 7000 bytes, meaning that our rate would be that value. 

cl_rate: Indicates the number of bytes we can send to the server. As I said, clients do not send much data, but if they receive. 

cl_updaterate: Indicates the number of times per second that will be receiving data from the server. I mean, how often receive information.Rate tell us the size limit, and how often handled cl_updaterate are these updates information. Obviously go together because if for example is 50, each upgrade is 200 bytes and our rate was 8000 bytes, and we'll be quite lag. 

cl_cmdrate: Indicates the number of times per second to send updates to the server. Goes hand in hand with cl_rate. 


To view the indicators of loss and choke, shall have the following command: net_graph "3" 

loss: It indicates the number of packets that are lost. To put it in a way, are packages that are lost along the way. 

choke: This indicates the number of packets "trapped" by saturation.This means that the connection is not fast enough to transmit all the data we want to send or recibir.El effect is similar to when we loss. 

Approximate values 

​​First of all clarify that not accurate, may vary (much) depending on connections.) 

To set the configuration, copy and paste the data for its connection to the file autoexec.cfg (CS 1.5) or userconfig.cfg (CS 1.6) which is in the cstrike folder. Should not these files, User Control (one copy to file such configurations correspond to our connection, not all). 

/ / Modem 56 KB 
rate 3500 
cl_cmdrate 30 
cl_cmdbackup 2 
cl_updaterate 11 
cl_dlmax 56 

/ / 128 KB 
rate 6000 
cl_cmdrate 20 
cl_updaterate 15 
cl_rate 9999 
cl_cmdbackup 2 

/ / 256 KB 
rate 9000 
cl_cmdrate 25 
cl_updaterate 20 
cl_rate 9999 
cl_cmdbackup 2 

/ / 512 KB 
rate 17000 
cl_cmdrate 35 
cl_updaterate 30 
17 000 9999 or cl_rate 
cl_cmdbackup 2 

/ / 1 MB 
rate 25000 
cl_cmdrate 99 
cl_cmdbackup 2 
cl_updaterate 99 
cl_dlmax 800 

/ / 2 MB 
rate 26000 
cl_cmdrate 50 
cl_updaterate 50 
26 000 9999 or cl_rate 
cl_cmdbackup 2 

/ / DSL Low 
rate 9000 
9999 cl_rate 
cl_latency -51 
cl_updaterate 67 
cl_cmdrate 40 
cl_resend 2.5 
cl_cmdbackup 51 
​​cl_dlmax 512 

/ / DSL High
rate 12 000 
9999 cl_rate 
cl_latency -21 
cl_updaterate 160 
cl_cmdrate 40 
cl_resend 2 
cl_cmdbackup 2 
cl_dlmax 76 / / qDSL rate 15,000 cl_rate 9999 -16 cl_latencycl_updaterate 101 cl_cmdrate 400 cl_resend 1.5 cl_cmdbackup 2cl_dlmax 1024 / / LAN rate 25000 cl_cmdrate 101 cl_cmdbackup 0cl_updaterate 160 cl_dlmax 16,384


Well that's all hope you serve something :)!


Info by: Adnan

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