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Step 1: Installing AMX Mod and Metamod

Metamod-P 1.19p32 is included with AMX Mod 2010. If you already have Metamod installed, simply extract the amx folder from the AMX Mod 2010 download and put it in your addons folder and skip 

A. Download AMX Mod 2010 from the AMX Mod Site

B. Extract the zip file to your mod folder. For example, if the game you play is Counter-Strike, then the mod folder you're looking for is cstrike. The folder structure should look like this when done unless you chose not to install Steam or HLDS in the default location:

C:\HLServer <- Hover your mouse over me 
        └ mod (ie. cstrike, tfc, dod) 
              └ addons 
                     ├ metamod 
                     │      └ dlls 
                     └ amx 
                           ├ config 
                           ├ dlls 
                           ├ docs 
                           ├ examples 
                           │      ├ include 
                           │      └ source 
                           │            └ default 
                           ├ lang 
                           ├ logs 
                           ├ modules 
                           └ plugins
C. Now that AMX and Metamod are installed, we need to enable Metamod.

Enabling Metamod:    (If you only have FTP access to your server click here)

Metamod can be enabled by adding a command line switch to your server's shortcut or startup script. The old method done by editing the liblist.gam file should be used if your only access to the server is by FTP. The -dll switch is how it's done. Choose your type of server from below and follow the instructions:

  • "Windows Listen Servers": Right-click on your game (ex. Counter-Strike) from the Games menu in Steam and choose Properties. Then choose Launch options. Now add 
    -dll addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll 
    to the space provided and choose OK.
  • "Windows Dedicated Servers from the Games menu in Steam": Right-click on Dedicated Serverchoose Properties, then choose Launch options. Now add 
    -dll addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll 
    to the space provided and choose OK.
  • "Windows Stand Alone Dedicated Servers (HLDS)": Right-click on the shortcut for your server and choose Properties. From the Shortcut tab find the Target field. At the end of that line, add 
    -dll addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll 
    and choose OK.
  • "Linux Dedicated Servers (HLDS)" Edit the script you use to start up your server and add 
    -dll addons/metamod/dlls/ 
    to the end of the line. Save and exit.

D. To find out if Metamod is running, start your server and type meta version on the server console and press enter. Remember if you're doing this from your client this is an rcon command. You should get something that looks like this:

Metamod v1.19p32  2007/08/12 (5:13) 
by Will Day
 Patch: Metamod-P (mm-p) v32 
 by Jussi Kivilinna 
compiled: Aug 12 2007, 18:57:40 EET (optimized)

If you do, then you have successfully installed and enabled Metamod!  and let's enable AMX Mod next.

A. If you did not have Metamod on your server before, you can use the provided sample_plugins.inithat comes within the AMX download and rename it to plugins.ini. After renaming the sample_plugins.ini file nothing more needs to be done and you can skip down to part B.

If you already have Metamod installed, open up the addons/metamod/plugins.ini file in a text editor and add the following lines:

win32 addons/amx/dlls/amx_mm.dll 
linux addons/amx/dlls/

Note: You can have both 'win32' and 'linux' lines listed above in the plugins.ini file, but both are not required. If you run a Windows server, then the Linux line is ignored and vice versa.

B. Start up your server. At the server console, type meta list. You should see something like this:

Currently loaded plugins: 
    description     stat pend  file              vers     src  load  unload 
[ 1] AMX Mod        RUN   -    amx_mm.dll        v2010.1  ini  ANY   ANY  
[ 2] Fun            RUN   -    fun.dll           v2010.1  pl1  ANY   ANY 
[ 3] CSStats        RUN   -    csstats.dll       v2010.1  pl1  ANY   ANY
3 plugins, 3 running

If you do, then you have successfully enabled AMX Mod! For additional information on changes in each release of AMX, refer to the readme.txt file included with the download. Now you have AMX installed and running. , we will go through how to configure AMX.

Now that AMX Mod is installed and running, you need to do at least one more thing to start using it. You need to make yourself an admin. This can be accomplished through the users.ini file. To understand how that and the other AMX config files work, use the menu on the left and click on each file for detailed information.

Below is a brief description of what each file is for. They are all located in addons/amx/config.

Primary AMX Mod configuration file.

Admin commands to perform on other players via Command menu.

Add/Edit commands to the Commands menu with this file.

Execute configs through Command menu.

Contains the text who is displayed at the console client.
The "welcomemsg.amx" plugin must be enabled in your plugins.ini file.

Configuration file for storing new AMX custom menus.
These menus are created from amx_addmenu and amx_addmenutitem commands.

Define what cvars can be changed in Cvars menu.

Used by AMX to store the server language. 
File is modified when the server language is saved using the Language Menu or the amx_languagecommand.

Add/Remove maps from Maps and Maps vote menu.

Add more modules to AMX to expand functionality.

Configuration file for storing AMX settings in a MySQL database.

This file controls the path and files AMX uses.

Use this file to add more plugins to AMX.

This is a second plugins.ini file who is running just after the first one.

Say things from the Speech menu.

Used by AMX to store in-game stats settings. 
File is modified when stats setting are saved using the Stats Menu or the amx_statscfg command.

Use this file to grant admin access to a player.

Used by AMX to store weapon restriction settings. 
File is modified when restrictions are set using the Restriction Menu or the amx_restrict command.

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